Saturday, March 1, 2014

Finding your personal decor style (for now anyway)

What is your décor style? Have you ever been asked or asked yourself that?

Sure, there are the simple answers: "eclectic", "modern", "contemporary", "traditional", "farmhouse"...

Then, there are the more complicated answers: "modern rustic", "shabby chic", "farmhouse industrial", "new vintage", "earthy modern", "global fusion", "edgy Classic" and "I'm-overwhelmed"....

Ok, so I made up that last one, but it could be true. What do those names even mean? Who really cares? It's good to know what you like and, if you can, it might be nice to put a name on it, but don't feel like you need to be boxed in. There are no real "rules" and if there were, there are no real punishments for breaking them every now and then. And, your style is going to change as time goes on, so re-evaluate every so often.

Here are a few things I do or have done to help me identify my décor style and put it into action in my home.

1. Buy what you love.

If something stops you in your tracks and takes your breath away, you should probably get it. Does it cost a million bucks? Oh, ok, then don't get it but take a picture. Then, look for a more cost-effective option.

I believe that if you buy things you LOVE in colors you LOVE (and neutrals) then it will magically start coming together. It's just one of those things...

2. Start an inspiration board.

Whether it's through pinterest, or just good ol' fashioned magazine clippings, start collecting ideas you of décor and spaces that speak to you.

I like to pin a lot of pictures on pinterest where I love the whole room. That way, I can start to recognize patterns. You may notice a theme of color, or texture, or furniture style...the list goes on.

Here are a couple pictures I've pinned. See if you notice a pattern.

Take photos like this with you shopping. Or, photos of the room in your house that you are currently working on.
When you see something that you are considering purchasing but are one of those "But, where would I put it?" kind of people, then, check your photos. Brainstorm ways to try it out.

3. Just try it!

Go for it! Do it! Take a leap.

The Nester, a blogger that I love and draw inspiration from, once said "Your home is the safest place in the world for you, why wouldn't you take risks there?" (Or something along those lines).

Don't be afraid of failure. There are worse things in life than patching a bunch of nail holes because you didn't get "the perfect place" just right. And, the people you share your home with love you more than anyone else - and a wrong paint color isn't going to change that. It's an easy fix.

We shouldn't save all our good ideas for our "next house." And, I'd rather be in-progress in every room in my house than to never start anything for fear of 'messing it up.'

4. When all else fails, get some help.

Chances are you know someone who is good at stuff like this. And, chances are, if they're good at it - they love to do it. So, ask a friend to help you get your house updated, decorated or your style figured out.

If you have no friends good at it... well, hire a professional. There, I said it. :) If you can't hire a professional, call me. I'll come over for you, my friend.


  1. Hi Ashely, great post. I used to think I knew my design style, now I'm not so sure. I think my style is still evolving though, so once I've actually completed a room, maybe I'll have a better idea.

  2. Great tips! Just pin away then step back and look at what is similar to figure out your own style. Ok so I see a pattern in yours..soft blue/greens, wicker, mix of different chairs, natural woods, and vintage accesories. ;)
