Friday, April 18, 2014

Playroom Progress

As Wrenly has grown so have the size of his toys. We soon realized we needed a playroom and fast. So, we are working on making our upstairs living space into a real deal playroom.

Here are a few playrooms I adore and am using for inspiration:

And, here's where we are so far:

Things I knew I wanted:

White to balance all the other colors and our black couch
Bright (but not obnoxious) pops of color
Toys (because duh, it's a playroom)
Grey striped wall(s)
fun faux taxidermy
mini gallery wall
vintage elements (as always)
Here's a few pictures I'm keeping in the back of my head as we move forward with the checklist:

striped walls

faux taxidermy

gallery wall

and everything above